Top Three Ways to Introduce a Water Feature into your Property

Ah, the soothing qualities of water.  There is a good reason why our favourite getaways often involve a body of water.  Simply looking at a lake, ocean or even a river can bring forth a feeling of calm.  

Marine biologist and author of Blue Mind, Wallace J. Nichols labeled this sense of peace that we feel around water as our “blue mind”.  He believed that we receive both psychological and physiological benefits when we are near water.   When we are near (or in) water, our serotonin levels tend to increase creating that sense of Zen that we often feel near a body of water.

However, we don’t have to wait for our next vacation day to experience this serene feeling.  Instead, we can integrate water features into our own homes creating our own mini oasis.

Option 1: Go Natural-Pond Installation       

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  • Develop a habitat for water fowl and fish

  • Breaks up a large property by creating a beautiful space/oasis

  • Conserve water by adding a natural water catchment into your space. 

  • Educational and Entertaining.  Ponds can be fun for all ages.  These spaces can evoke conversations, inspire discovery as they search and investigate new species, and promote inquisition and research.

  • Increase the overall value of your property (aesthetic appeal)

The shape, features (like waterfalls and lighting) and depth of the pond can all be tailored to the specific needs. For example: Fish and waterfowl require specific features to thrive including the depth, filtration system and maintaining natural bacteria.

Rainwater Harvesting Systems are ideal for those individuals who want to minimize water waste. These systems can be integrated into your design to provide the water supply for an artificial pond.

However, ponds aren’t for everyone.  Ponds require regular maintenance, from cleaning up fallen plant debris to regular inspections of the aeration and filtration system.  In addition, not every home has an outdoor environment suited for an artificial pond.  But this doesn’t mean you can’t have a water feature. In fact, there are several options that could work within the requirements of your space.

Option 2: Create Serene Spaces Close to Your Home

Water features can be customized to suit the atmosphere of your home.  From the gentle waterfall in a Japanese garden to a traditional Roman fountain, incorporating these elements in your space provides you with another tool to create an environment that is uniquely your own.

These features can be expansive as creating a full scale pond and waterfall, including fish directly into your deck or as simple as a transforming a large container/pot into a miniature pond or water feature.

No yard? Don’t worry.  Container ponds and decorative fountains are the perfect option for apartment dwellers or individuals that would like to add a miniature water feature to their deck. 

Option 3: Pondless Options

If you’re short on space or just looking to get your “feet wet” in water features, then a pondless option might be the right fit for you.

These features provide you with the beauty of a waterfall or even a small river without having to install an artificial pond to supplement the water.


  • Low maintenance

  • Energy efficient

  • Adaptive to a variety of spaces/designs

Unlike a pond, these water features require minimal maintenance, including being able to be put on a timer so that it only functions when you’re home.   Since a pond is not required, these features can be easily integrated into existing landscapes and areas where space may be limited.
