Outdoor Lighting through the Seasons

Each season has its own way of making the outdoors special. Spring brings new growth and thawing lakes, while Summer paints everything in lush foliage and blooming gardens. Fall treats us to changing colours, and Winter drapes our world in sparkling snow. As we shift into the colder months, our trees are shedding their leaves, and our once-vibrant gardens will soon be blanketed in a thick, fluffy layer of snow. These natural changes alter the way shadows fall when it comes to outdoor lighting. This can sometimes prompt the need for seasonal adjustments. Our lighting systems are incredibly adaptable and can be easily customized to enhance the beauty of your current landscape.


Opt for warmer colour temperatures to create a cozy and inviting atmosphere, which contrasts beautifully with the cold, snowy surroundings. If you have the FX Luminaire Luxor collection, you have up to 30,000 colour options to choose from right from your phone. This makes seasonal decor a breeze! Dimmer switches allow you to adjust the intensity of your outdoor lights. Lowering the brightness during winter evenings can create a more relaxed and comfortable atmosphere.


Accentuate the snow-covered trees, bushes, and architectural elements with spotlights. These lights can be positioned strategically to cast soft, subtle shadows that enhance the winter landscape's charm. Try our low voltage holiday string lights on trees, fences, or your home to mimic the soft, magical glow of snowflakes at night.

Lighting design isn't entirely about functionality; it's also about creating an atmosphere of fun and intrigue. Don't let those early sunsets get you down.